The good news is that you can give yourself relaxing and refreshing facial treatments at home. Home based facial treatment is not like a professional facial, that's why, you should give yourself facial treatment at home once every week, especially if you're a working women.
In this article I've describe all necessary steps in detail, and a video tutorial, to give yourself facial treatments at home.
Facial Fitness: Daily Exercises & Massage Techniques for a Healthier, Younger Looking YouWhy go under the knife? Facial Fitness presents a unique exercise and massage regimen that strengthens facial muscles, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and even alleviates symptoms of Bell's palsy and TMJ disorder.
Result: a toned face with improved complexion and more relaxed expression. This book and DVD set also provides advice on choosing cosmetics and tips on good nutrition.
Facial Treatment At Home is 5 Step Process
To give yourself more refreshing and professional like facial treatment at home, I would suggest you to buy home facial kit, contain all necessary things you need during facial treatment at home. Alternatively you can buy each product separately according to your skin type.
Recommended Home Facial Kit
Kiss My Face Potent & Pure Facial Care Starter Kit is formulated with the highest quality and most effective ingredients that nature has offer.
Potent & Pure is Paraben Free, and contains no artificial colors and fragrances.
Step 1: Facial Cleansing
Thoroughly clean your skin and neck with good facial cleanser to remove all kind of impurities and dirt before starting facial. You can use any homemade facial cleanser or buy the one from nearby beauty or drug store.
For your convenience, I've put together a list of best facial cleansers that are available at very affordable price and perfect for different skin types.
STEP 2: Facial Exfoliation
Facial exfoliation is the next important step after cleansing.
It helps to remove dead cells from top layer of skin and reveal younger cells to give smooth and healthier skin. It also help to absorb the products you'll apply to your skin in later step of home facial.
How to Exfoliate?
Use gentle exfoliating scrub with fingers and rub in a circular motion on your face. Give special attention to the areas around your nose, chin and forehead.
If you have oily skin then you need to work hard on greasy areas of your skin. Don't over do it otherwise it will harm your skin.
Rinse your face after exfoliation.
Again, there are lots of home exfoliation scrub recipes you can easily prepare in your kitchen or otherwise go for the scrubs contain natural ingredients from a beauty store.
How To Exfoliate Skin
STEP 3: Take Steam
Now you have to take steam to open pores. You have many options to take steam at home. You can buy a steamer or alternatively use a bowl filled with hot water.
You can add few petals of rose or mint to make it smell good. Another method that I loved to use is; put a towel in a hot water (not too much) squeeze it to remove excess water and cover your face and neck with this towel.
The average time to steam is 5 minutes.
- Don't take steam for very longer.
- Don't use extremely hot water.
STEP 4: Apply Facial Mask
Good facial is always followed by a facial mask that helps to improve skin conditions and repair skin cells. apply your favorite facial mask and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse and Wash.
You can easily prepare homemade facial masks that suits your skin type or buy ready-made natural facial masks available in market.
STEP 5: Moisturizer
Complete you home facial treatment with a gentle massage with moisturizer to comfort your skin. If you've immediate exposure to sun after facial then you should use a moisturizer that comes with SPF.Good moisturizer hydrates skin and leave it soft and supple. Always use a moisturizers according to your skin type.
Share Your Views
I hope this tutorial will help you to give yourself refreshing facial treatments at home. If you want to do facial on weekly basis then you can use exact steps (just avoid steaming) for facial cleansing every week. And don't forget to let me know how useful this " How To Give Yourself Refreshing Facial Treatments At Home" tutorial was for you.