3 Simple Techniques To Relieve Stress For Busy Women

House wife, Working Women, Mom of naughty’s, College girl or Work at home blogger like me. No matter which occupation we belong we all are facing kind of stress everyday.

Let face the truth…

You can’t avoid stress completely as It’s a gift of 21st century but you can do things to relieve from this daily stress and enjoy relaxation.

What should I do to relieve from stress?

Whenever you asked me I’ll recommend you to meditate. (Short, Simple and Sweet Solution)

Meditation is the best ways to relieve stress and get peace of mind.

What If you can’t meditate or just don’t have enough time for it?

I personally don’t think you can’t take 15 minutes a day for your own well being but if this is the case (only if this is the case and not your lazinessJ) then you can try these (one or all) simple techniques to get relive from daily stress. They don't even require any practice.

Breath To Relieve Stress

Are you having a hectic day or dealing with some stressful situation?
Just stop for a minute and take a deep breath through your nose, filled your lungs with fresh air, and let all tension drain out of your body when exhale.

Do this several times a day.

When you are angry TAKE a DEEP BREATH.

Your boss is shouting on you relaxed get back to your room and TAKE a DEEP BREATH.

Getting bored reading this blog


Walk your Way To Relieve Stress

You may find meditation bothering or just can’t get time for it but could you arrange few minutes to walk in your garden.

10 minute walk could be a great stress reliever.

Whenever I get stressed I usually spend few minutes, about 10 minutes, alone and go for a walk at near garden. Walking on slightly moist green grass really boost up my mood and release all tension out of my body and mind. Sometimes I walk for an hour and can’t tell you how much relaxed I feel that time.

Try it yourself and let me know how you feel.

Take a Bubble Bath

You were busy all day can’t managed to spare few moments for yourself.
You need a break baby.

Why not end a hectic day with a nice bubble bath.

Select the soothing music of your choice, light few aroma candles, add your favorite bubble bath, oil or bath salts into the tub, close your eyes, and enjoy the peaceful quiet of a long soak.

Let all your stress get away with warm shower and get into the bed stress free.

Stress free night sleeps is a gift. It compliments you with glowing younger looking skin and refreshing start for the next day.

One More Simple But The Most Effective Technique: Love Yourself

Love yourself.

Once you’ll do this you’ll never get stressed. You’ll take some time out of your busy schedule for your own well being. You’ll never let stress affect your life.

Give yourself a little favor today and get easy-to-pick “1001 Ways To Relax and Reduce Stress” to bring positive changes in your life.

Read it when you’re freaking out, in emotional pain, when things are just getting out of your hand, or just want to divert your attention from bad memories towards some good place.

Keep it with you. You’ll thank me later for it.

Wish you a happy stress free living and lots of fun with love ones.

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